JMIN Leaders Go to the Capitol to Discuss Innovation Policy

October 25, 2023

JMIN Principals Brent Nix and George Marcou and Senior Partner John Sears will be on Capitol Hill this week, meeting with lawmakers and thought leaders to discuss U.S. innovation law and policy. 

The trip coincides with the Penn State Dickinson Law‘s inaugural Innovation Forum on Capitol Hill, an invitation-only event for leaders from across the three branches of the U.S. federal government to engage stakeholders on issues of central importance to U.S. IP and innovation law and policy. 

John has been invited to discuss how the venture capital community is a vital component of the solution to U.S. national initiatives in the areas of national security and competitiveness, inclusive innovation, drug pricing, and environmental sustainability. John’s practice strongly focuses on venture capital firms and venture-backed companies. Through the relationship with JMIN, John serves as the director of intellectual property for Anzu Partners, an investment firm focusing on industrial and life science technology companies. 

The JMIN group will also attend a reception hosted by Anzu Partners on the first day of the forum, where John will host a fireside conversation with Don Rosenberg. Mr. Rosenberg retired after more than a decade as the vice president and general counsel for Qualcomm and currently serves as a venture partner for Anzu Partners.